How to Find the Right Creative Voice Coach: Reigniting Your Love for Singing and Creativity.

On the hunt for a Voice Coach who can help boost your inner creative fire, and empower your singing voice, but don’t know where to start? Say less, friend. You’ve stumbled into the right studio.

Here at The Creative Voice, we’re blending voice coaching, life coaching, and community mentorship into immersive experiences that help empower multi-passionate creatives (like yourself) do more of what you enjoy and love to do.

Obviously, we’re a voice coaching resource, so it would be super easy to say “Hey, join our membership and get matched with a Faculty team who can support your journey” but, what fun would that be?? Also, we want the best for your creative voice, which means finding agency in the search process.

Step 1: How do you want to feel AFTER you find the right coach?

Let’s kick off this process with a writing activity. Flash forward to the future, you’ve just spent three months fully investing in your voice and creativity. You feel….what ? More confident? Do you have a better understanding of technique or style? Do you express your feelings more in your relationship? Did you launch a voice focused project? Or start contributing more creatively at work?

Take a few minutes to host a little journal sesh for yourself and write about it. What do you really want from a voice supporter during this phase of your life? There are no wrong answers. You could be ready to have some fun and learn a new song, or you could be ready to start rehearsing for big speeches in your new job. Take time to reflect on what you’re seeking and how future-you feels after finding the perfect guide for your journey.

Step 2: But like, WHY? Get specific with why you’re seeking changes.

After taking time to figure out how you wanna feel in the future, dig a little deeper and ask “Why?”. Why do you want to feel more confident? Why do you want to learn this new technique or style?

One of my favorite coaching exercises is the “five why’s”, it’s an exercise used across multiple industries to drill down to a deeper reasoning to solving a problem by asking “why” 5 times. It can get real existential real quick, but give it a try. Here’s an example of how it could work.

“I want to take voice lessons so I’m more confident at work.”

  1. Q: Why do you want to learn how to be more confident at work? A: Right now, I don’t speak up. I fear having my voice heard.

  2. Q: Why do you fear having your voice heard? A: I worry I sound to feminine or too dumb to express my opinion.

  3. Q: Why do you feel dumb when expressing your opinion? A: Honestly, because one time when I was a kid, someone told me I should be silent.

  4. Q: So you’re working through a painful experience that left an impact. Do you feel you should be silent? A: I don’t. I feel like I should be able to express myself and speak confidently whenever I want.

  5. Q: Why do you want to be able to express yourself whenever you want? A: Because I’m learning to love myself and how I do things.

BOOM! You’re wanting to take voice lessons so you can become more confident at work, but at the heart of it, you’re ready to show yourself more love. You’re ready to start liking how you do things. Bravo. This is a “why” you can get behind and show up for, even when you’re exhausted and want to cancel a scheduled session.

Step 3: Kick off your new voice routine ASAP.

Now that you’ve identified a deeper motivation behind your desire to transform your voice, you don’t have to wait. You have all the tools you need right now to start actively making shifts. You know how you want to feel, you know the deeper reason why, now it’s time to take action.

You can start today by considering your vocal health. Both the health of your physical voice and the health of your internal voice. If your internal voice is full of negative self-talk, start with a few loving words of self-affirmation, or even answering the question “ I love my voice because______”.

If you’re ready to take steps for your singing and speaking voice, start with something simple, like humming intentionally in the morning and drinking more water. At the most basic, your voice needs to be warmed up and hydrated to function most efficiently.

As you start to develop a routine before hiring a coach, you start reprogramming your brain that it’s time to invest more in your “why”. Every time you schedule a hydration ritual, or even hum with the intention of warming up your voice for the day, you’re building new patterns that affirm the changes you’re making.

This is also YOUR journey. No matter what Coach or practitioner joins your team, showing up for you, starts with you.

Step 4: Design a voice vision board that includes your dream team of Voice Coaches & Artist Mentors.

Now that you’ve spent time changing your thought patterns, and taking action for your voice, you know more about what you need. What if you had a dream team on stand-by to help support the various unique aspects of your voice journey?

What if you had a life coach to help you build positive vocal affirmations? Or a healing practitioner to help you ease your nervous system through somatic exercise? Or a voice teacher to help you learn more about the function of your voice as you learn new ways to sing.

Design your vision board dream team of voice coaches and artist mentors and put it in your notes app, pinterest board or Notion list as a guiding vision to find what you’re looking for.

Step 5: Invest in your voice.

At this point, you have a strong list of what you’re looking for. You know how you want to feel, you know why you’re investing your time and energy into new habits, AND you have a list of potential supporter profiles. It likely won’t take long for you to search around in your local area, or on social media, to find potential coaches to work with. If you’re having trouble, reach out to us here at The Creative Voice, we have a team of Artist Mentors on stand-by.

Not every life supporter has to be a paid practitioner. Sometimes you can ask friends and family for support in holding you accountable. However, there is something super empowering about engaging with someone who is outside your personal circles and is trained in the areas you’re seeking support in.

For many, it can be easy to talk yourself out of hiring a supportive helper when money becomes involved. We simply can’t afford it, right? But how would your life change if you could overcome the blockers you’re facing now? How much more would you make and do if your voice was more free and expressive?

In my opinion, coaching investments are almost always full-proof. Whether or not a coach is right for you, you always learn something about yourself and how you want to improve.

Step 6: Stick with it, build resilience, and keep growing.

At first, when you make it into a new voice coaching space, it can feel ROUGH….shaky…nerve racking. Stick with it. Building resilience through doing and trying new things is a slow process, but one that helps you grow in ways you could never anticipate.

Let your voice creek and crack, considering those moments an invitation to work through and overcome.

Well done, you.

Proud of you for getting through this article.

Attention spans are short these days.

Now, go trust your instinct, trust your gut, and get you a Creative Voice Coach that can help you find what’s already bursting and alive inside of you.

And if you’re curious about what we do here at The Creative Voice, we help artists like you find the resources so you need so you can get back to loving your voice, living a more creative life, and expanding your arts-based business.


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